Friday, April 30, 2010

Welcoming ants!

We made it home again after a month in Hagen and it feels good.  As we  were flying along at 12,000 feet (Jay's thoughtfulness to keep us out of the bumps and me away from the bag) and I was freezing with goose bumps and cold toes, I tried to remind myself that it would not last for long.  Ahhh and I was right!  As we started making our descent the mercury was rising and by the time we landed at Rumginae the goose bumps were only a memory.   
Upon our arrival, we had to wage a few small wars to reclaim our house.  All looked pretty good after dusting off some cob webs, until I opened a drawer to put away some bags.  The whole drawer came alive as the swarms of sugar ant, who had taken up residence, put up a fight.  Some things were washed, some things were shaken, some were wiped and others were tossed (how do you get ants out of straws??).   In the end I got my drawer back, I think!
Mel for the Marshes