Sunday, December 19, 2010

Giant Bean

Now I know where the story of 'Jack and the Bean Stock' came from!  Look at the size of that bean!  It's stock must reach up to the clouds.  Well actually, I have seen the plant and it is climbing a pretty tall pole and I guess some mornings it is in the clouds (just depends how low the clouds are).  They actually call it a snake bean with good reason I guess.  Sam the little boy who's family this came from is actually scared of them, that may have something to do with its name and that his mom doesn't want him picking them.
I think it will be a one bean dinner coming up!
Mel for the Marshes  

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Down Day

Today was a down day.  They don't happen very often here.  My hair stayed down all day!!  Usually by mid-morning it is up in a ponytail or something.  Today has been cool, windy, and rainy all day.  This also meant that my laundry came in off the line this evening still wet, I guess we can't have everything.
Jay's day for the most part was pretty down as well.  He had to hang out on the ground here until just about noon waiting for a hole to try and sneak out.  He finally got away hoping to get at least some of the program finished, however some of his weather reporters were more optimistic than reality, and half way out for his first run he had to turn back due to weather.
Jay came home and snuggled up for a hug and commented that he was 'almost' feeling chilly.  I commented that it was feeling like Alberta, that was when Jay pointed out that it was 26 degrees still.  
I guess our cold tolerance is down too, as I write this my toes are cold!
Mel for the Marshes