This was Walley the water puppy
Hey everyone,
Sorry we are so long in getting this up and running. It has helped being somewhere with good Internet connection.
We are currently in Cairns Australia, completing an orientation coarse as well as Jay will be doing some advanced flight training, before we head back to PNG
We once again are pinching ourselves as we experience things that we never even dreamed of doing. While here in Cairns, an opportunity came up for us to get out onto the Great Barrier Reef at a reduced rate. We could not pass up that chance of a life time so away we went.
The day that we went was forcasted to be a bright blue beautiful day, however, just like in Canada often something is lost in translation and it turned out to be pretty over cast, spiting rain and quit windy. That was all fine except it made for a really rough 1 1/2hr ride out to the reef. I took some Travelcalm before leaving in anticipation and was able to hang in there with great focus on the horizon! It is a blessing that the boys seem to have stomachs of steel as they did very well, much better than a fair few others, who were hanging around out off the back of the boat.
We arrived out at the floating docking station, from which we would be snorkeling and diving from for the next 4-5 hrs, and I must admit I was a little sceptical. I was not feeling to hot, the wind was blowing and the ocean was pretty rough. From the surface you could not tell much of what had been promised and boasted. I was encouraged to get into the water, that it would help my stomach to settle, so after squeezing into a wet suit, with a little fear slipped into the water along with Jay. (This was my first time swimming in the ocean also my first time snorkeling) After a second of questioning weather or not I could trust the mask I stuck my face in the water and was absolutely in awe of what I saw! It was like a whole new world waiting under there. The water was just teaming with life of all shapes and sizes. The boys at this point had opted to go into a little pend off area for kids, and I thought that would be okay,especially since I was not sure if I would sink or float at this point. However, upon discover that all of the National Geographic movies were for real, I needed to share that with the boys so we quickly went to collect them and take them out into the ocean. They were also thrilled! Carter kept trying to talk to me around his snorkel, which sounded a little some thing like mmmrrrlllpppfff!!!, but was translated at the delight in his eyes, to "look there is Nemo!!" What a great day it turned out to be despite getting out of the water a little later as my stomach was still threatening me. Jay was able to go out on a more extended tour to the edge of the reef where they said there are even more varieties of fish (hard to believe) and I was able to get back into Gods great aquarium after my stomach settled a bit! It is a definate recommed to everyone!
Many blessings and we will touch base again soon
Mel for the Marshes
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