Hi everyone, just wanted to send a long a few pic to share some of the work that Jay has been involved in so far. hard to believe we have only been here in Rumginae three weeks today!
Jay is helping to load a medivac patient into the ambulance to carry him to the hospital. This man was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got in front of an angry man. The result was a spear in his back. Thank the Lord when they went in to operate they found that it had missed all of the vital bits! Later when Jay and Rick (fellow pilot) were able to go check on him, he was sitting up and able to thank them!
The medivac patient strapped into the plane. Not the most comfortable way to fly but a little difficult to sit up
Sign speaks for it's self. This is Jay`s home base!
Oh look!! The mail man has arrived! It is always exciting when mail comes in. Just one of the little but important things that Jay brings back with him. One of the others is fresh veggies every week!
Thanks for sharing in our life!
Blessings to you all!
Mel for the Marshes
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