Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cocoa Spitting Contest

Okay, I'm sure it is what every good mother of boys should do, have a cocoa spitting contest!  We were recently given a cocoa pod to eat, and like other places in PNG where they grow and process the coco for market, here in Rumginae they grow it only to enjoy sucking off the seeds!  Well the boys and I (while Jay was away) also discovered this pleasure with an added degree of sport.  Taking one seed out of the pod, being careful not to loss it as they are slippery, we popped them into our mouths to suck off the sweet slim.  This being accomplished we then lined ourselves up on the deck to see who could spit it the farthest or have the most accurate shot (never know we may end up with a few cocoa trees in our back yard).  I am proud to say that I hold the record for distance, while Kaleb and I are tied for accuracy.  I have to give the boys something to be proud of their mother for, my knitting ability doesn't quite cut it!
Picture of a cocoa pod and seed ready to be harvested and dried.
Many seeds in one pod
picture of cocoa beans after they have been roasted.  these beans where in Munduku where they grow, dry, and market them to international markets.  I also tried one of these beans, they taste pretty bitter and not enough like chocolate!  Much rather have a Hershey's!
Mel for the Marshes

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures, Mel! I'd never seen a cocoa bean pod before. And congrats on your spitting abilities!! We used to do that with watermelon seeds.
