Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Pass Time

Okay first of all
I just discovered this as one came flying through my kitchen and landed with a thud, now they are even more disturbing

Now onto the real blog topic.  Row Row Row your boat;  the boys have been doing a lot of this lately.  One of the families here on station bought a dugout canoe and the boys have been spending lots of their free time out paddling.  At first we heard lots of complaints about sore shoulders and not being very good but they are becoming pretty proficient with it.  They have even packed up a picnic lunch to go and enjoy across the river on one of the islands.  
Truly a boys paradise: freedom, fire, and food! 
Mel for the Marshes 

1 comment:

  1. cockroaches are so gross.
    Glad the boys are having a great time!
