Well this week we sang Happy Birthday to Carter, and can you believe that it has been 10 years! On the day of his birthday we had a special supper and had a few of the other people on the station over for cake and then just yesterday we had a party with a bunch of the boys that Kaleb and Carter hang out at the river with. That was fun. We introduced the boys to a few new things like capture the flag, water relays, balloon darts and a scavenger hunt. I think they all enjoyed. The boys here are very competitive, love to run and have a good time. In the picture below Carter is standing guard of his teams flag during the very enthusiastic game of capture the flag. One of the teams got close but no one actually won. 
Here is a shot of all of the gang. Jay and I are still working at remembering all of the names. After all of the fun and games were finished the boys enjoyed ice blocks (freezies), popcorn, pineapple, and banana muffins. Oh and a the end of the party the boys showed our boys how to roast and enjoy one of there traditional foods here, pit pit (the flower of a wild sugar cane) 
Well that finishes up our birthdays for a little while. We may have to look for another excuse to have a party!
Mel for the Marshes