Monday, March 8, 2010

Bird Listening


Well I have to start out this blog by saying that I don't think I got sweaty today!!  Some may think that is not to exciting but for us Rumginites that is an exciting thing.  I think it only got up to about 28 C today.  Boy, are we going to be in trouble when we come home!                                                                                          
This past week the boys and I had a chance to go out bird watching.  As the title suggests we were not to successful on the watching part but had a great morning regardless.  The other pilot based here at Rumginae with us is a bit of a bird enthusiast so he was our guide.  It was of no fault of his that we were not able to get a good look at the Birds of Paradise, which PNG is well known for. They were being difficult and playing hard to get.  He said he has been here on a number of occasions and has seen many displaying and showing off.  However, as we walked and strained our necks to try and catch a glimpse of them in the upper canopy, we could only hear them calling out to each other, doing their mating ritual.   We would have been much more successful recording bird calls than taking photos!
It is a long way up!  It gave me a new greater appreciation for the people who film and photograph wild life.  Most of their life is spent waiting to get the shot, and in some pretty uncomfortable positions.  They make it look easier than it is.  So instead of taking pictures of the birds I took pictures of the things that are well rooted and firmly planted!                                                                                                                    

It was so nice just to get out into the bush and go for a walk.  To listen to all of the sounds around and take in the beauty of GREEN!  I  read in a book (I think it was the Shack) where they described the brilliant green that new leaves are in the spring, God green.  I liked that and there was a lot of it around.                        
I just love the way the light filters through the leaves and lights them up!   Sorry now you know what my family has to put with!                                                                                                                        

While we did not have a successful bird watching experience (Oh I guess I did catch a glimpse of a couple as they flew from one tree to the next)  It was a great morning out.  In Carters words "even though we didn't see any birds it was a great walk in the jungle."  And hey, Matt even did up a work sheet for the boys to do, doubling as a school field trip!
Mel for the Marshes

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! I love green! I'm so looking forward to spring when all the different shades of green start shooting up from amongst all the brown! Glad you're enjoying some "cooler" temperatures as well.
