Monday, May 24, 2010

Unexpected Visitor

How Jay saw it I'm not sure but it's a good thing he did as I had just sent Kaleb out onto the deck to get a dish that he had left outside.  I can just imagine the scare he would have got!  Instead we all got to join in on the fright.  It is not everyday that we get a snake out on the deck, especially since we gave the one back that we were snake sitting.  We decided that we should go get a closer look and "Mel go get your camera"! Out we go onto the deck to get a better view,except Carter, the smart one!  Of course I, Mel, end up being the closest while trying to get a good picture so we have some proof and maybe we can figure out what it is.  So far the whole time we are out on the deck the snake is going about his business of climbing up the veranda, seemingly oblivious to all the on lookers.  Then Jay decides he is going to get a broom handle and give it a poke, but before he can do this, all of a sudden the snake senses he is not alone and starts meander off of the pole to get a closer look (amazing how they can do this, hanging out in mid-air, I wish my abs were that strong!) .  At this point I am getting a little nervous and stepped back, then the snake follows suit, except he is much faster which makes me scream and jump for the door.  Unfortunately Kaleb and Jay were in my way and I ended up sandwiching all of us up against the closed door, which may I add, Carter, who is on the inside, is not helping to open.   Long story short, turns out we are scarier than the snake and he made a better get away than we did!! 
 We have been told that poisonous snakes here can not climb, if that is of any reassurance to Grandmas. After our heart rates returned to normal, we figured out that it was probably some sort of constrictor coming up to help us with critters in our attic!  
Next time we will leave the door open for a quicker get away!
Mel for the Marshes

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