Monday, July 26, 2010

Jungle Feet

Look at those nasty toes!  And believe it or not they are pretty clean in this shot.  I don't think they will ever be the same. Stained toe nails, dirt ground so far in it can't find its way back out, and missing toe nails ( 3 have fallen off now, not to sure what that is all about)?  And he wears shoes, can you imagine what they would look like if he didn't?  Maybe it is a sign he is getting his feet firmly planted, if he stands in one place to long they just may take root.
Ah, but look at that face that goes with the feet!   Definitely why I'm so forgiving of those feet, that is until I see them sliding into a clean, fresh, crisp set of sheets!  
Mel for the Marshes

1 comment:

  1. Wow those look familiar!!! Isaac's feet are exactly the same! It is unbelievable how he can get so dirty, and I say at least once a day, "go and wash your feet!!!!!"
