Monday, August 2, 2010

Mammoth Moth

We thought of you Dea when we saw this one!!  There are some very big winged things here!  Jay called me up to the MAF shed one morning to get a look at this guy.  Amazing how big the moth was, and then it started to fly.  It looked pretty clumsy trying to stay up in the air, but maybe it had just spent the night fighting off bats as it also looked a little tattered.
One of our favorite pass times in the evening is checking out all of the critters that come and congregate on our screen.  You see in the evening as it is getting dark we turn on a light outside, the bug light, so that all of the moths, beetles and other critters are attracted to that light instead of the one in the house.  This means we get all kinds of great bug specimen landing on our screens.  A myriad of moths, big bumbling beetles, swarms of flying ants and critters like praying mantis and stick bugs all come to bask in the glow of the bug light.  This also bringing plenty of geckos to come feed at the twilight smorg, so as we eat our supper we have entertainment watching the geckos trying to catch theirs.  
I have yet to see a gecko big enough to take on the mammoth moth and win, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't try! 
Mel for the Marshes

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